Sunday, May 20, 2007

I Figured This Would Happen

So, last Sunday we had a wonderful Mother's Day lunch at a coworker's house with wonderful company (Bridget was there.)

After lunch, Bridget, Karen and I were inside with our girls and the toys. Karen picks up one of the stuffed animals and comments on how she has this thing (aka: pet peeve) about tags on things. She then proceeds to go around cutting all the tags off the stuffed animals. K1 is helping her by finding all the tags on them.

Thursday, K1 asks me if she can cut a tag off her toy car seat. I said that was fine. She then took the scissors in her room and begins to cut the tags off all of her stuffed animals. Now, she is always asking to cut the tags off of whatever she can find! Crazy fun, I guess.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

That is hilarious! You've got a little Karen on your hands. :)